Native Canines
Breeding Czechoslovkian Vlciaks
All of our Vlciaks are imported from the Czech Republic and are out of Czechoslovakian Vlciak Club "KCHCSV" breeding committee-approved litters
Our Vlcaks are "House Companions" living and traveling with us for pleasure and work All are Animal Actors working in the film industry.
CH. Buddha z Postupickeho Podlesi
12/05/2012 CMKU/CSV/3436/12 aka "Meigunn" Means "wolf'" in our Native American language.
Meigunn Is the Number one dog 'all Breeds UKC World Wide for 2022!
Our Beautiful outgoing Show stopper,
He has an impressive 25 BIS Wins. and 6 Reserve BIS wins.
Meigunn is the First CSV in History to go BIS times 2 in AKC Open
He has placed 1st in the UKC top 10 2019 2018 2017 2014 and 2nd place 2016, 2013, and 3rd place 2015, Meigunn placed first in UKC top 10 finals 2013,2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 We took a break from showing in 2020 and 2021 due to human injuries, Meigunn attended the 2022 UKC Premier after not attending a show for 2 years and went Best in Show and Best of the Best Making him the First CSV to Win a best in show at the UKC and the First CSV to Win the Best of the Best show held at the UKC Premier making him the Top Dog All Breeds for 2022!!
See the accomplishments page to see what he has been up to. We don't list everything he does, He is much too busy for that.
He is known for his outstanding temperament and easy-going nature. He is a very self-assured canine He knows and understands he is a star and expects star treatment.
AKC FSS no.WS49163801 UKC no. P727454
Click here for pedigree
Pictured here at 9 weeks with breed
co-founder Ing Karl Hartl
Sire - Czambor vlci z Vlciho dubu
Dam - Xitta z Molu Es
JR CH of Poland Veteran CH of Poland
CH Poland, Poland Club winner 2013, 2014
CH of Czech Republic, CH of Hungaria
CH of Serbia, CH of Romania
CH of Ukraine,
Veteran World Dog Show winner 'Moscow" 2016
VEW Veteran Eruopean winner Kiev 2017
International CH. of C.I.B.
C.I.E. WDS Salzburg 2012 CHK3
Meigunns Health Testing
Bax od Sestaku 11/23/2017 cmku/csv/5184/17
Aahnii has a litter of 5 puppies on the ground 1 Male and 4 Females , One Female puppy available!
Bax od Sestaku 'Aahnii' as we call him is a very striking reddish colored male who is exceptionably large/tall with a very beautiful coat. He is always cheerful and would be a lap dog if he could. However he is also our most sensitive male. This sensitivity is what makes he very selective and or not well suited for some activitis, even though we did extensive socialization with him as a young puppy on a daily basis's. With most human females he's great but with males he's very selective as to who he chooses to interact with. We tried for years hoping he would grow to enjoy our film and show activities. We could get him to do these activities but it was clear we were expecting him to behave and do activities he did not enjoy , we knew we shouldn't force him. Leaving him at home was not a solution. Being a pack animal and getting left out of 'pack ' activities was very stressful for him.
This is not unusual for a vlcak be selective and not be well suited for all activites. Some are not suited for or interested in doing activities we would like them to. We made the very difficult decision to do what's best for him. "not us" . It was very hard letting our cuddly bear go live a distance away even though he is with family and we see him often it's still very very difficult but we felt it necessary to give him the life free from stress that he deserves.
He is living the easy life of laying around the house going shopping to stores with our daughter. He loves to go shopping, and on occasion out for adventure in the wilderness.
Because he is good at and enjoys doing activites that don't involve strangers touching him. We have decided to keep him intact for select females with balanced outgoing temperaments. We are confident that taking him to a very confident female will balance out his sensitive selective temperament. If we see don't see an improvement we will remove him as a stud.
AKC FSS no.WS61642301 UKC no.P860-667
Sire - Baxter Vlci tlapka
CAC , CKS BOB Specialty Club winner 2015
Dam - Lucky Star Kuklik
Click here for Pedigree
Health tests
OFA Chic Database no. CW-DNA 33/S
PENN -HIP 90th Percentile - Excellent
OFA Hip - Good
OFA Elbow - Normal
OFA Eye-Normal CW-EYE-24/20M-VPI
OFA Heart-Normal
OFA DM Carrier
DW Free due to Parentage
OFA Dentation- Normal Full Dentation
Giacomo Vlci Nadeje AKA Jocko
1/2/2023 FCI CMKU/CSV/7049/23
Puppy Jocko is maturing to be a sweet well mannered young adult with a very luxurious coat and a stunning beautiful face.
Pictured here at 12 months old
Lord of Shadow Z Molu Es AKA Niikonea
April 30 2019 - September 18 2023
Our 4 year old baby, Nika
Was euthanized with the whole family in attendance on September 18 2023.
He no longer recognized us. He would attack machinery as it it were prey, was unable to eat or drink. The day we made the 'Very difficult decision" he just stood with his tail between his legs and whimpered. We are not sure what caused the Brain tumor. It came on and progressed very quickly.
He had just filmed a music video the week before and was excellent and on point for the entire shoot.
He loved working, training or anything he was able to do with humans. He was all in, more so than any other CSV we have had. Sweet, intelligent, canine who loves all humans, He especially children. He was very solid when out in public nothing seems to faze him. He never took his eyes off me, He would have done anything I asked of him anything.
Here he is pictured with his and our friend the CSV Breed Founder Mr Ing Karl Hartl.
We want to Thank Monika Soukupova for letting our little Sedivacek come to live with us in the US. We we are very blessed to have her as a friend and a mentor.
He will for ever be a member of our family and missed by everyone more than we can express.
Our sweet Nika.
Sire Garon z Blatnickych vinic
Dam Fu Finka z Molu Es
wolfdog-database :
Health tests
OFA CHIC Data base no.
OFA Hipp - Excellent
OFA Elbow - Normal
OFA Eye - Normal
OFA Heart - Normal
OFA Dentation - Full
DM Free
DW Free